This page offers a collection of various documents, tip sheets, guide sheets, tutorials, and the like from workshops, clinics, and presentations related to technology in education, music, and, in general. They are organized into the four broad categories below. Some of these are dated and may need adjusting for newer software or operating system options. Enjoy browsing.
The previous guides for Smartphones and Web-based Music Apps are replaced with extensive web resources on the website, Check out seven sets of music technology resources that parallel the sections of the Williams & Webster text, Experiencing Music Technology (4th Ed):
- Getting Started
- Computer & Internet Concepts
- Acoustics & Audio
- MIDI Concepts & Basics
- Advanced Production & DAWs
- Music Notation
- Music Teaching & Learning
This list may still be useful for those seeking software with little or no budget:
- Performance Tips and Setup for Yamaha WX5 and VL70m in Traditional Ensembles
- Using MusicXML and MIDI for Sharing Music Notation Files. Lesson plan, demo files, and student worksheet. [download ZIP file of materials]. TI:ME article on what MusicXML is all about.
- Capturing Music Notation Tips (Mac and PC) [view file]: This tip sheet illustrates a variety of ways a musician or music teacher can quickly capture brief snippets of music notation to use in writing or class handouts.
- Tutorial for Classroom $2 MIDI Trigger Project to Create a MIDI Band [ view file ]
- Band-in-a-Box (Version 2008): Beginning experiences with BIAB using blues chord progression to create accompaniment and melody, and notating a simple folk tune with chords to create accompaniment and solo line.
- GarageBand (Vers 5.x): Beginning activity for teachers to experience different ways of entering music (notation, chords, loops) into GarageBand.
Sibelius Notation and Groovy Music Software Guides (Versions 4 thru 6)
- Sibelius Curriculum Guide. Comparison of Sibelius software options using the skills matrix from Williams & Webster (2008, 3rd Ed Updated) "Experiencing Music Technology" [ view file ]
- Overview of Groovy Series and Groovy Tips [ view file ]
- Dave’s Groovy exercise levels chart (from 2010 Inservice)
- Sibelius Guidesheet 1 (Sibelius 4): Create an arrangement of a simple tune using plug-in tools [ view file ]
- Sibelius Guidesheet 1 (Sibelius 6): Create an arrangement.... [ view file ]
- Sibelius Guidesheet 2 (Sibelius 4): Modifying "Pretty Little Horses" in Sibelius to use with Groovy [ view file ]
- Sibelius Guidesheet 3 (Sibelius 4): Create a chord study worksheet for students with answer guide [ view file ]
- Sibelius Guidesheet 3 (Sibelius 5 and 6): Create a chord study [ view file ]
- Sibelius Guidesheet 4 (Sibelius 4): Scanning Photoscore to transpose parts[ view file ]
- Sibelius Guidesheet 5 (Sibelius 4): Use Sibelius tools to create a warmup etude for your band[ view file ]
- Sibelius Guidesheet 5 (Sibelius 6): Use Sibelius tools to create warmup... [ view file]
- Resource Files for Guidesheets 1-5 ( .zip file )
- Sibeilus Guidesheet 6: Sibelius Notation Beginning Experience [ view file ]. Download resources files for 6 ( .zip file )
- Document Exchange Tips (Mac and PC) [view file]: Ever puzzle about the best way to send a document or file to a friend or colleague? This tip sheet provides some options and hints for you.
- Screen Capture Tips (Mac and PC) [view file]: This tip sheet reviews some useful shareware tools beyond the screen capture available from your operating system with some tips especially for musicians.
- Scanning Tips (Mac and PC) [view file]: Frustrated with never having the correct driver for a scanner you want to use, or having different software for every scanner? This tip sheet focuses on use
- VueScan as a universal, inexpensive solution that works with just about any scanner and doesn't require custom drivers to work.
- File Sharing Tips (Mac and PC) [view file]: Ever wanted to send a large file as an attachment to e-mail but had it rejected by the mail server? This tip sheet talks about some ways to exchange larger files with friends and colleagues.